you wanna see...

Apr 05, 2008 02:53

Just how spoiled I am?

I am.

I realized I didn't post pics before of
hardhatcat's gift to look at this!

See the red things on the Tim Tams package?  Those are kitty cat buttons that she made for me!  And a note....and  the Tim Tams aren't open yet because I am saving them for my actual birthday....I have to work that night, so I will need the cheering up. :D  And I'm told it will be BLISS when I do partake of this particular brand of biscuits...

And yesterday (or rather Thursday), I got a package from
wildmagelet  ...

It's got hot chocolate mix, some damn good candies (ESPECIALLY the Licorice Chocologs....I ADORE black licorice like you wouldn't believe!--and I ate some of it before taking this pic...), a lovely card, a personalized note pad, an HP time turner (goodness knows I need one....or several...of these), a pen (I LOVE pens--trust me on this), bubble wrap (saves me everyday from strangling someone....and a beautiful gold box....

Do you want to see what's in the gold box?

FINGER PUPPETS!!!!!  Hermione, Ron, Harry, Snape, and Draco!!!!  :D  *waggles fingers*

And just randomly...

Although she made me angry today, there's a pic of my Trip (short for Triple Trouble), AKA, Cha-cha, Cha, Pooka, and Pookanut.  She doesn't like the camera, I'm surprised I got this pic.

And I'm at about 65% done with
tjwritter's blanket as of tonight.  Will probably finish this weekend....

my birthday, dog, trip, spoiled, gifts, progress report

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