HA! Less than 2 hours....

Dec 04, 2007 02:03

And I'm back!

Okay...so I have the following projects finished....

A scarf for

freakyartychick?  I hope you like it....you said fall colors ...and that's the name of this yarn....It kinda looks like a really cool granny square thing...but, it's not....)

And a scarf for

madam_minnie, if this meets with your approval, please email me at harrypotter5freak [at] yahoo dot com with your user name in the subject line -- so I know it's you -- and send along your snail mail addy and I will get this out with Saturday's post run!

And last night I had an epiphany for
mosaic's bag....It's truly brilliant, so I have to start over...and find different yarn....but it's totally going to be worth it!!! ....I hope....

Still to do, scarf for
mosaic's bag, and
pennswoods pillow...and snowflakes....lots of snowflakes!


crochet, gifts, scarves, 2007 giveaway

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