More Crochet Giveaway stuffs...

Oct 10, 2007 01:07

Okay, so I have gifts for
gavemeapen and
alwayshope under the cut....

And lemme tell you, I really enjoyed working on both....but I giggled myself stupid over both as well.....

gavemeapen who didn't request anything specific...but when I told her about this project, she bounced a little and nodded a lot, so I thought she would make good use of this....

A pirate belt.  And yes, it looks teeny tiny because SHE is TEENY TINY!!!!  Yargh, matey, I hope ye be liking it!

And for
alwayshope, I seem to blame a lot of ideas on her, and this is no different.  When she gave me her color choices, she mentioned green and a watermelon....


A green messenger bag for

And the inside flap.

Get it?!?!?!  It's a WATERMELON!!!

*hangs head*

Okay....I laughed.

I hope you like it, m'dear.  Please email me at harrypotter5freak [at] yahoo [dot] com with your snail mail (put something like crochet or snail mail or your user name in the subject line so that I know it's you), and this will go out in the next round of owl postings.

belt, giggle, crochet, bag, gifts, 2007 giveaway

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