I amuse myself...

Sep 25, 2007 01:40

So....I have a two cut entry tonight....

Two more hats finished tonight. Just using what I had to hand...so

A Gryff hat

And a Puff hat

Both are going in the for sale bag...
And in other news....

I wouldn't normally post stuff so publicly...but this is funny...

A video of my baby boy, Min...devouring his kitty crack. I nearly lost a finger getting this because he gets so TERRITORIAL with his herbal refreshment....I didn't get video, but he up and smacked Max (my other kitty) for getting too close....I am amused by it...but it IS a minute and a half of my cat getting his freak on with his catnip....

image Click to view

silly kitty video, crochet, for sale, hats

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