Okay...so AFTER Storyville...

May 24, 2007 10:22

Uhm, yeah, about last night?  SO tired.  Could barely function by 11:00 pm.  Crashed like a toddler without a daily nap.

Okay, so Storyville rocked my Dobby SOCKS! 
freakyartychick and I stayed until the end, then walked back to the hotel.  We started out with a group of people...and somehow ended up ahead of everyone by the end.

We went back to the room, changed into jammies (warm jammies), then went down to view Chamber of Secrets.  Unfortunately, it was pretty much a lost cause.  Those trying to sober up from Storyville were shouting LOTS of nonsense.  And the movie was turned down so low, it was hard to hear the dialogue.  We didn't last too long there.

The next day, Saturday, started more programming.  I was a little sad as I realized that I wouldn't see
mudblood428 again because she had left for graduation, but I cheered on her journey all the same.  I think I would have bawled like a baby if I had seen her leave.

Mum, Jenn and I went to a presentation that was much the funny.  It was about a group called C.R.A.P.  Something about saving the dragons and other magical creatures, but the program had us in STITCHES!!!!  We also went to a couple of other lectures that I wish had been better.  I know that I shouldn't complain about it.  It's got to be harder than hell to get up and speak in front of a room of rabid fans all watching you.  But perhaps it is my family history and my own experiences in public speaking that I notice these things and make these observations.  I want to speak about this in a concrit manner, because I am considering doing a workshop for Terminus and perhaps I can get some feedback too.

I once read that an audience is always HOPING for an interesting well-done lecture.  And it's true.  I went to one that proved to be a bit TOO scientific for me and didn't bring in enough of HP to make a good comparison to me.  But I did find some of it fascinating and would have liked a handout.  I went to another that would have been better if I could have heard the speaker better...AND if she engaged the audience more.

There was one presentation I nearly left on, I felt like SUCH a bad listener.  The woman and her husband were doing the lecture.  It was OBVIOUSLY thrown together the night before (and not very well).  The lack of prep made some of the things very cringe-worthy.  She had frequent misspellings and mispronunciations of characters and curses.  This bothered me immensely.  I wondered if she had given the lecture to a group of kids before because it was very elementary.  I couldn't take her information seriously.  AND she didn't tell the audience anything we don't already know from the Lexicon or any of the various books written out there.  I left that lecture quite disappointed.  I think it may have been better as well if it had been just a paper rather than adding the poorly done Powerpoint.

I did finally run into the lovely
pennswoods who arrived after lunch.  She is SUCH a cutie!  And very much busy lately!!!

That night my roommates attended the Vampire Tour.  I opted out of it because I was attending Authors and Artists night.  I found out later that it probably would have scared me to DEATH!!!  I've seen bits and pieces of the tours on TV where they talk about haunted places.  That was good enough for me.  Mum and I went to the Authors and Artists night instead.  I got some art from Sasha.  We went to a lecture by George Beahm.  I drew some HORRIBLE fanart (which I will post pics of for the mocking).  I went to the Spellcast podcast.  Just before it started, I found
pennswoods again and she gifted me with one of my most FAVORITE art pieces she did!!!  I am in the process of framing it for my wall!!!  I got to see a WONDERFULLY done play for Spellcast.  *joy*  The Remus Lupins and the Parselmouths did some more performing that was quite enjoyable.

I also ran into
redblaze again and squeed some more.  FANTASTICALLY I got to meet quite a few of the Snapecasters.  *looks at
msavi*  Oh, and before this turns up on Leaky for mocking...I did one of those things that was funny at the time and later looked quite foolish.  *headdesk*  I made this VERY long purple scarf over 2 days of PR (got house points for it too).  I finished it while I was walking around Saturday night. 
ofenjen wanted to take my pic for Leaky, so I wrapped it around my head a few times, so only my eyes were showing.  She took a pic.  Then in a "fit of inspiration", I wrapped the whole thing around my head like a turban.   Another pic was taken.  We laughed like loons about it, then I saw myself in the mirror on the elevator.  *SHOCK AND HORROR*  I took it off right away.  I could NEVER shave my head.  I look quite silly.

By the time I got back from that,
freakyartychick had returned from the Vampire Tour and we went to watch Prisoner of Azkaban.  We were a bit early because the previous nights despite being more than on time, they had started the movie already.  Turns out the 1 hour lectures before the movies weren't lasting 1 hour.  So we got there during the lecture.  Both Jenn and I were disappointed by the major bashing going on as we both enjoyed the PoA movie for what it was.  (I've long since reconciled myself to the fact that the movies will never do the books the justice they deserve, but I will enjoy what they represent.)  I was apparently a bit witty that night as I came up with a few funnies that got some laughs.  I stayed until the bitter end that night, though I think I dozed during part of it.

Now for some pictures....

Here have some more pics of the con.

Feel free to snag what you will for your own uses.  (Though don't use my face for the dartboard, scare off mice, or other target practice)  And while credit is not necessary, it's nice.  :D

Pics from Storyville

  Alex howling...or singing...

  A VERY nice pic I got of Brian.  I should send it to him.  :D

  Matt (Whompy) during his performance

  The Parselmouths performing (and maybe a Moaning Myrtle?)

mudblood428 and

freakyartychick and Brian (Draco year 19)

lezlishae, and I didn't get her name but I think she's a crafter.
fyrestar1 (thanks, Shae!)

Pics from the SUPER funny paper/lecture/performance for C.R.A.P.

Discussing the mistreatment of gnomes

  Being attacked by "Baby"

freakyartychick in her Molly with another witch

I wanna "flipbook" the next three pics...but meh...if you ain't got the skillz...

Tonks v Snape.

Pics from the Spellcast play

  Lupin and Snape

  The trial

Harry and Snape

And finally my crap art.  Shouldn't let me get bored at a con.  I start thinking I can draw....

pic spam, pr stuff, return from pr, pr

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