Some new projects finished...

Mar 04, 2007 00:43

I've still been very busy trying to get a handle on the projects I want to finish by the time I go to PR.  I think I will be's just getting there.


So, on to the photos, which is why you've clicked, I'm sure...and not my witty commentary.  ;-)

A red and black phunky remix skullcap.  Will probably give to sister for cleaning house...

This is the hat I made while waiting to get my taxes done the other day....

And the one I made for Mom's co-worker who asked for one....

My Hogwartsian rug...made with HUGE hook and 4 strands at once.  Now in doorway of room...

Side and front view of another drawstring bag.  This one is a Gryff stripe bag, with 2 straps so that it can be worn like a backpack.  Is rather comfy....will be gifting this probably
gryffwitch37...when I go to NOLA for PR...

A photo of the mess I had on my floor today...and this doesn't even make it look that bad!!!  That pile at the top?  Was about 2 feet high or MORE!  HUGE!  But I finally got it sorted and separated ....  for now...

So tomorrow I get to go shopping as my reward...Hobby Lobby will be closed, but I can go to Michael's...

pic spam, crochet

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