May 04, 2009 20:10
So, we have no receptionist. Last week supposedly her grandmother fell, had surgery and then passed away. Something about the story coupled with some emails that came to her account just seemed fishy. This morning, she no called, no showed but later texted one of the other girls about how we need to find her replacement. Yeah, completely unprofessional, but that's not new when describing her.
The bad thing is now the rest of us have to cover phone duties on top of our regular responsibilities. I also have the added bonus of now doing the bank runs every day. We were trying to figure out tomorrow's schedule because it's a very busy day for everyone. I asked for 4-5 and the girl writing down who was covering when snidely commented that we can't all just take an hour. I let her know that the later in the day worked for me because it's a very busy day and I almost didn't make it back in time today to cover at 1. She retorts that it's a busy day for everyone. I let the comment go. I understand it's a busy day for everyone. However, as she and another co-worker had just pointed out, they can do work up at the front desk. However, I use remote access for my work and I can't do my work up there. So while they loose a bit of time by working on a computer that's not theirs and answering the phones, I completely loose all that time since I can't work on any of my stuff.
Ok, end vent.
Other than that, everything's ok. Dad's gone overboard with the whole swine flu thing. Last week he gave me face masks. this week I got a whole shopping bag filled with who knows what. I really didn't look, just nodded and smiled and said "thank you". My worry is that as these things come along, he's going to get more and more hyper-focused on them. The last time we had one of these possible pandemic virus went around, he started researching MRE and generators. And truthfully, the media doesn't really help. It's one thing to inform and educate, it's another to create hysteria and panic.
Ok, end 2nd vent.
Boeing got to run on Sunday. they opened the pasture for the dogs. He had a blast and ended up with yellow feet after running throught the thousands of yellow wildflowers in the field. And bonus, he didn't go swimming, lol.
ok, now end post.