Title of Drabble: Dear Albus
Rating: PG
Characters: Dumbledore, Voldemort
Word count: 483
Warnings: None
Summary: Voldemort is bored and writes Dumbledore a letter, looking for a challenge.
Dear Albus,
You might ask yourself why I am writing to you. Trust me, I ask myself the same question. Honestly, I don’t really know why. Probably because I am bored.
Yes, you read correctly. Even Dark Lords are bored from time to time.
People always think I spend my time thinking up some evil plot, torturing everyone around me or hating Harry Potter - and that’s it. Of course, these things are my favourite pastimes.
But that’s not the point. The point is, that my life has become boring. Brilliant plans and continuous harassment of others are not enough for me.
I need a challenge.
Challenges are great things, but real challenges are very rare. Take Potter. He made me vanish, and it was a great struggle to regain power. But after this, Potter has only been a nuisance. He simply can’t provide a real challenge anymore.
It is like solving riddles. The first time you do this, it is very difficult to find the correct solution. But the more you do such riddles, they easier they become. You discover their mechanisms and they can’t provide a challenge anymore. They are only entertainment then. And after some time, you even tire of this entertainment and start looking for another kind of riddles. That’s what I am doing now.
In my opinion, you are the right one to take this place as a new riddle, Albus. Or rather as an old riddle that I haven’t done for some time.
So my suggestion is that the both of us meet up in the near future. Before you say anything, listen. Before my inner eye, I can just see you tearing this letter to pieces and throwing them into the next fireplace. You probably think, “Oh, another one of his brilliant ideas. I guess he thinks of a barbecue party; how very original.”
I assure you, that’s not what I have in mind. I do know you are not very fond of me. Mind you, I wouldn’t join your fanclub, either. But that’s the why. There is tension, and from tension spring the most curious events. It’s such an event I am looking for.
We might be on a field far away from any settlement, we’d have a lot of time. You’d start with one of you usual claims, “There are worse things than death, Tom.” To which I’d reply, “There is nothing worse than death,” and it would become a very interesting talk.
Only do me the favour and don’t call me Tom. It makes me feel childish. Or I start calling you Albie, or Dummy, perhaps. Yes, Dummy’s fine.
Now I don’t think I will send you this letter. You’d probably go around the school and tell everyone I’ve gone soft and I can’t have that. After all, I’ve got a reputation.
So another eventless weekend will come and hopefully, go soon.
Lord Voldemort