Title of Drabble: Dear Sister
Rating: G
Pairings (if none say N/A): N/A
Word count: Er... didn't check.
Warnings (if there are none say N/A): None.
Summary (should be under 50 words): Bellatrix sends a letter to Andromeda, giving a very simple request.
Decembre 26th, 1971
You left home yesterday. I think it must have been the worst day of my life - imagine being in my place, Andromeda. Imagine watching your older sister walk out of your life as if it had never been of any importance to her - at Christmas, no less.
I know you love Ted, and because of that, I'm not going to say what I normally would say about him- those words would fall on defiant, lovestruck ears. It doesn't really matter anyway.
I want you to think of your family. Not just the importance of our blood, but us. Sirius, who looks up to you as a mixture of a sister and the mother The Hag is incapable of being. Regulus, who occasionally will forget his wish to please his mother by defending us - including you - against The Hag. Narcissa, who tries harder than anyone to keep us together, even if she does do it for herself at times. And me.
This isn't about being a daughter of the Noble House of Black, Andromeda. That's The Hag's obsession.
This is about wanting my sister back.
Come home, Andromeda.
Your sister,
Before anyone says Bellatrix was OOC, let me say it *was* when she was a kid, and that this is supposed to show her in a different light.
That said, feel free to tell me if you still think she was OOC, or have any other comments.