Sep 11, 2007 06:44
I figured I'd update this while I was thinking about it. I dunno why, really, considering I don't have much to say. Some days it seems like my life's spiraling out of control (though maybe not in the traditional sense of the phrase), and other times it seems like the most natural thing in the world. I seem to be spending more and more time on the internet and less and less time elsewhere, though I've actively tried to cut back. I'm also vastly losing interest in everything I do within the first few months, like a freakin' 5 year old with a new toy or something, and I can't begin to tell you how annoying that is.
I remember when I first got into fanfiction, I read everything with my particular pairing (Snape/Hermione) that I could find, then, of course, it struck me that I should write fanfiction, too. That was after I got into betaing. Now I've lost interest in all three, even drabbles! I mean, come on! I wrote my first drabble in like... nearly a year probably yesterday. I'm not sure it was quite what I wanted it to be, but it got decent reviews. Then there was RPing, naturally, and though I still do that, I seem to rapidly lose interest in the sites I'm on shortly after joining or even starting one (no, Twinkle, not IL).
All the while, though, I've been working on graphics and that, at least, doesn't seem to be dwindling any, but I feel like I'm at a stalemate in my designs. They just look so generic. *shrugs*
Anyway, all this was to really just let you know that I'm going to try actively to get back into things I once found I couldn't live without (namely, drabbles and RPing), and hopefully my graphic creativity will follow like the loyal lapdog.