Who: Kat/Nigel, but openish where there are openings.
When: Saturday, after lunch
Where: Great Hall, outside the castle, ?
Notes: Modly permission was granted for us to NPC Hagrid; we will, of course, defer the honor if he get a player.
Other notes: No rush, C. Whenever you're ready. I just wanted to get it set up.
The first week hadn't been bad. She'd only gotten lost a few more times between classes, the common room, and the Great Hall, but she'd always managed to find her way where she was going. For the most part, she'd learned who to avoid and who she could bully; she was slowly learning the way of things, and people in her common room had gotten used to her 'stupid' questions and were now explaining things before she had to ask. It had become something of a group project (or a joke, she wasn't sure which) among the older students in her house.
School, however, was still school, and she was glad for the weekend. After scarfing down a quick lunch, chatting briefly with whomever happened to talk to her at her table, she'd stood up. Glancing toward the Gryffindor table, she bit her lip a little before resolutely heading over toward it. Green eyes darted back and forth over the faces and backs of heads she could see before her gaze settled on Nigel. Grinning, she wove her way toward him, tapping him on the shoulder once she reached him. "Are you almost ready?"
She was more than ready. Since it was the weekend and they weren't required to be in their robes, she was dressed in faded black jeans with worn spots on the knees, a light blue tee-shirt under a windbreaker, and her faded, worn sneakers. Her wand was tucked into the waist of her jeans, secured through a beltloop.
As she waited for Nigel's response, she glanced around at the others at his table.