Title: Beautiful
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100
Characters: Millicent, mostly
A/N: The uncut version is up at
hp100uncut. It was 200 words before I manged to slice it down. From Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful."
She knows what people think about her, but she tries to ignore it. "You don't need to be pretty to be smart, Millie," Daddy says. And, "Handsome is as handsome does, darling," Mum said, when only the pretty girls were invited to Violet Birchmere's eighth birthday.
She tries to listen to Mum and Daddy. But she still wants to be lovely, stunning, with glossy black hair and an adoring suitor.
Which is why Pansy found her dancing around their dorm one afternoon with Snowball in her arms.
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down