Obliviate / The Rat / Certainty

May 26, 2004 04:10

Title: Obliviate
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: Lockhart, Harry
A/N: I'm trying to do at least one drabble for each book, but SS and GoF are putting up fights...

"Obliviate!" yelled Lockhart, and time slowed to a crawl.
In the space of a heartbeat, Harry remembered. Hermione fixing Ron's wand - "Reparo!", boa constrictors, and singing dwarves. Millions upon thousands letters addressed to him in green ink; snowy white wings; a barking bulldog. Weasleys out the window and his mother's almondy eyes; flight and contact. There was Mars, which was bright, and stars and the planet, a whole constellation of thoughts that made Harry - desires, dreams and fears and he wanted them all, pumpkin juice and Polyjuice and ghosts and nightmares and
Time resumed; the spell hit. He blinked. "What?"

Title: The Rat
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: Harry, Ron, Peter
A/N: If the chronology's not clear, remember that Harry got the map, went to Hogsmeade, learned about Pettigrew, came back, received the Firebolt and had it taken away and stopped speaking to Hermione in short order during Christmas holidays of PoA.

Hogwarts being huge and the Marauder's Map being small, it wasn't hard to miss details sometimes. People going around their business through the castle tended to be less exciting than secret passages, but since the entire holiday had been boring at best, they shrugged and watched. Better spying than pining over the confiscated Firebolt.
"Hold it," said Ron to Harry, who was watching Hermione Granger weave around the library alone. "There's someone else in here."
"Yeah? Who? You, me, and the ghost of..."
Peter Pettigrew, read a neatly labeled dot a centimeter away from theirs on the map.
Scabbers squeaked.

Title: Certainty
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters: Umbridge, Harry, Hermione, McGonagall
A/N: The morning after the astronomy OWL and before History of Magic.

Breakfast at Hogwarts was a somber affair that day. Umbridge presided over the Great Hall, looking nervously pleased; despite her desire to keep the news quiet, nobody spoke. The dead silence wiped the whole world clean of words, safeties, and certainties; as if they, like the students, were being smothered by an unseen and unrelenting hand.
Harry, delirious from grief, stress, and lack of sleep, was sure only of Hermione, sobbing into her cereal bowl, and of Minerva McGonagall's body, lying in state in the hospital bed where she'd died during the night, having been Stunned four times without warning.
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