Cave Mors

Oct 21, 2003 23:10

Title: Cave Mors
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Sirius, James
Author's Notes & Ramblings: This wasn't meant to be slashy. Yet when I finished, I realized it could be taken in that way. Read it whichever way you want, then. Death can be considered a culture shock, can't it? If some people are using the Muggle world as another country, I think I can use the afterlife as one, too. If not, I can always delete it.


“So, this is Death,” Sirius stated.

His companion nodded. “In all its glory.”

Sirius looked skeptically at the monotonous expanse. “Glory” wasn’t the first word he’d use. “This is death? This is what everyone’s afraid of? Azkaban was a hundred times worse. Hell, my house when I was growing up was worse. This? This is just…”

“The word is boring,” James said wryly.

“Very boring. What do we do around here?”

James grinned at him, harkening Sirius back to happier times, back when they’d both been alive. “I’m sure we can think of something.”

Prongs and Padfoot were together again.

sirius black, james potter, challenge: when in rome, author: trinityday

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