Aug 15, 2009 02:25
Title: Long Day
By: remember_it_all
Pairing: Hermione/Luna (if you squint, maybe?)
Word count: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Rated: G PG, to be on the safe side
Challenge: Sprains, Strains, Abrasions
Hermione opened the door, letting her bag drop without a second glance at it. She pushed the door shut and walked to the couch, groaning as she sat next to Luna.
“You’re tired, and sore,” Luna’s smile switched to a frown for just an instant while she spoke.
“Mmmhmm,” Hermione mumbled, leaning against Luna while sighing contently.
“I’ll rub your shoulders before I get you something to eat.” It wasn’t a question with Luna, and Hermione was glad for that.
“That would be lovely. I’m sore all over.”
“Then I’ll rub everywhere that’s sore.”
Hermione was glad to be home.