Fatherhood/Diagon Alley/Topsy-Turvy

Nov 30, 2007 16:23

Title: Fatherhood
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Remus, James, Lily, Harry, Teddy, implicitly Tonks
Challenge: Top
Author's Notes: This week, I'm looking into what the minor characters are doing in D.H. This particular drabble was much better before I did all the cutting, so I might not get some key points across here.

Years ago, Remus watched a birth, and wondered why James and Lily were so ecstatic about this tiny lump of a thing.
Remus’s fondness of Harry stemmed from a later date. Remus had delighted in being able to teach Harry to defend himself, the boy as clever and talented-a Patronus at thirteen!--as James could have hoped.
Now he understood James’s feelings. He was at the top of the world, Teddy was perfect and amazing. He had to tell someone. Too bad James and Sirius missed this, but Harry was right all along.
“Dora? Harry should be Teddy’s godfather.”

Title: Above Diagon Alley
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Pick your order members
Challenge: Top
Rating: PG-13 (one swear word)
Author's Notes: Because Bellatrix Lestrange (or a look-alike) should not be able to walk through Diagon Alley in DH without at least some Order harassment.

Two figures crouched atop the roof of what used to be Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor, watching a rather distinctive figure down below.
“Who’s the bloke with her?”
“Does it matter? He’s helping Bellatrix Lestrange.” The second person moved as if to throw something.
“Wait for the signal!” The first one grabbed at the second, who lowered his arm grudgingly. A few moments later, he asked “Shouldn’t she have triggered it by now?”
“Anyone with a Dark Mark triggers it.”
“But then why doesn’t-“
She and her companion disappeared into Gringotts as the pair above her spoke. “Damn! Missed her.”

Title: Topsy-Turvy
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Character: Someone in the Order for both wars. I'd say Mad-Eye, except he's dead at this point.
Author's Notes: I'm assuming here that the Order engaged in a sort of guerilla warfare during DH. I don't think they did, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have.

This is the way it goes. One day, we have the advantage, the Ministry, Hogwarts. We’re entrenched, and it’s hard for them to get rid of us. It was that way all last war, and the beginning of this one. But too many of his spies were never rooted out of the Ministry.
So now he’s on top, entrenched, and it’s just as hard to get him out. But we’re going to keep trying. Our advantage is that we’re flexible now. No more need to abide by ridiculous Ministry rules.
Maybe soon we’ll be on top, and make it stick.

challenge: top

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