Arithmancy / Unnatural... / Clumsy Tumbling / Difference / Battles... / No Equal / Septima's...

Nov 17, 2007 17:52

Title: Arithmancy
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: Rita, Xenophilius; Xenophilius/Rita if you squint
Author’s Notes: More random pairings! Woo! Rita’s Xeno’s tutor.

“That’s wrong,” ground Rita, scratching ink across the numbers. “And how do you expect to predict the future with such poor penmanship?”

Xenophilius sighed, frustrated. “I don’t! It’s just that Arithmancy was the only class available if I also wanted to take Care of Magical Creatures.”

She grimaced. “How dirty. Is that what you want to be? A Hippogriff handler?”


“Then what?”

“Happy. I’d just like to be happy.”

Rita rolled her eyes. “Well, I’d like to be rich and famous, but I’m sure you think that’s shallow.”

“No,” he said, glancing wickedly at the botched divinations. “Just predictable.”

Title: Unnatural Disaster
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa, Remus; Remus/Narcissa
Author’s Notes: Marauders Era. Bending the space-time continuum is fun!

This was a mistake. Lycanthropy plus relationships equaled danger, but lycanthropy plus girls? Complete disaster.

Yet it didn’t seem to matter, because her lips plus his lips equaled heat and hurry and hunger unrivaled, and he felt fuller than if he’d swallowed the moon, or than when the moon swallowed him.

It was good it was her, really. It was bad, very bad, oh so very bad, but good. Narcissa Black was, after all, beautiful and pureblood and would marry into wealth. In short, all she wanted was a good snog - and all she wanted was all Remus could afford.

Title: Clumsy Tumbling
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: Katie, Oliver; Oliver/Katie
Author’s Notes: Quidditch love! I’m going to have to write some Fred/Angelina goodness. And no, Oliver wasn’t the captain of the team back then, but I imagine he liked to think he was. xD

“Balance!” was Oliver’s first word to her. “Equilibrium! If you can’t maintain it on the ground, how can I expect you to maintain it on a broom?”

Katie blushed and stood. Something about him made her trip over her own feet. “Sorry.”

He sighed. “Get on the pitch.”

Years later, when they were in the change room fumbling to undress each other and he backed them into a bench - and they fell straight to the floor - she said playfully, “Balance, Wood. Equilibrium. If you can’t maintain it on the ground, how can I expect you to maintain it in bed?”

Title: The Difference
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: James. Lily; James/Lily
Author’s Notes: Marauders Era. ‘Cause they’re cute, in a doomed sort of way.

Nothing made Lily Evans madder than knowing James Potter was her equal. They both had excellent grades, were both House Heads, were both seventh years. It was insufferable how bloody equal they were.

Their talents were different, but their talent was similar. She was ace at Potions, he excelled at Flying. She got an O in Arithmancy, he got one in DADA.

But where she was kind, he was callous. Where she was witty, he was brainless. Where she was green, he was hazel. And nothing made Lily Evans happier than knowing she and James Potter were not the same.

Title: Battles Won and Lost
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: James, Lily; James/Lily
Author’s Notes: Marauders Era. And more because I can. (James is a smart dude, he wouldn’t need a tutor. He’d just want one. A redheaded one with green eyes and an ample bosom.)

“You and I, we see eye to eye, Evans. Not literally, of course, though to your credit you’re up to my shoulder now.”

Lily ignored him, burying her head in her textbook. “We can’t see eye to eye if you can’t see my eyes.”

“Figurative language,” he drawled. “Look it up in that big book of yours.”

Groaning, she set her text down and glared at him. “Why are you even here?”

“You’re my tutor, Evans. Tutor me.”

“You never listen to me.”

“But you’re so nice to look at.”

“A-ha!? You are wrong. You only see eye to chest.”

Title: No Equal
House: Death Eaters Slytherin
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix
Author’s Notes: Love you, Bellatrix, even if you’re kind of a rabid fangirl in the last book.

Bellatrix Lestrange had no equal.

She had minions, below her groveling and weak and pitiful and poor. Those with dirty little souls and hearts and complications she didn’t have, need or want. Those with (her stomach turned at the word) mercy.

She had God. She had the Dark Lord, a black star in an endless night that dimmed the gossamer sky and muted suns vast and brilliant. He was so high above her, oh so very high, but smiled and glowed upon her all the same.

Bellatrix Lestrange had no equal - only those she loathed and the one she loved.

Title: Septima's First Day (with News of Her Last)
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100!
Characters/Pairings: Trelawney, Vector
Author’s Notes: I love how Trelawney always has something doomy to say. Septima’s the Arithmancy professor. I imagine these two don’t get along very well.

“What’s your crystal ball’s diameter?”

Trelawney blinked, long lashes like bat wings, magnified by her lenses. “I don’t know.”

Vector flushed. “How do you expect to divine the future without knowing the diameter of your crystal ball!” Trelawney did not seem to understand or care, so Vector went on, “What if we all did that, going around like hippies, reading cannabis leaves for predictions!”

“Tea leaves.”

But Vector was too incensed to listen. “Hemp knickers and hair to our bottoms, that’s what we’d have! Why, I fear for our future!”

“So do I,” said Trelawney, serious. “Well, yours at least.”

professor vector, remus/narcissa, author: pink_rapid, professor trelawney, xenophilius/rita, bellatrix lestrange, challenge: equation, oliver/katie, james/lily

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