Lickable Harry/Chocolate Weasleys/Brewing with Granger/Amortentia

Oct 09, 2007 05:15

"What's next? Pickled Potter?" Draco snickered. Harry scowled.

"This isn't funny."

"It's hysterical. The bloody thing's bigger than Shacklebolt. And it's melting."

"Probably all them flashes and whatnot," Ron said, ever helpful. Harry scowled at him, too.

Then he scowled at the larger-than-life ice cream Harry decorating the fifth Battle of Hogwarts memorial. Chocolate hair, vanilla skin, strawberry mouth, licorice glasses, icing scar, and a line long as the room for photos. Only the Ministry…

"Not going to line up with us, Ferret?" Ron asked.

Draco shrugged. "Why bother? Got the real thing myself." Then he licked Harry for spite.

Title: Chocolate Weasleys
House: Slytherin

Word Count: 100

Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry, unnamed wee Weasley, Rose Weasley

"Yes, but why is there chocolate-covered Weasley in my kitchen?"

"I asked was he hungry, and he said yeah, so I asked-"

Draco cut him off with a frustrated wave. "Focus, Speccy. We have one underaged Weasley running wild in the Manor library and another Incarcerous'd to a kitchen chair drooling chocolate on my tile. I understand the concept of childminding. This is not it."

Harry bit his lip. "Dunno what kids eat, so I asked-"

"And Rose told you he eats chocolate?" Harry nodded. Draco sighed. "Promise me when ours comes, you'll let me handle the menus?"

Title: Brewing with Granger

House: Slytherin

Word Count: 100

Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry, Hermione/Ron

"Malfoy, I need your help," Granger said, and who was Draco to turn her down? Harry'd faffed off with Ron to a footie match and he and Granger were playing abandoned spouses for the afternoon. Only where he'd caught up on Brewer's Monthly, she'd gone mental. In, of all things, her kitchen.

"Did you put enough sugar in?" He checked the recipe again. Fairly simple, this.

"My parents are dentists."

"No sugar?" She shook her head. He cursed quietly.

It took four hours, three scaldings, and one vicious spat, but eventually, Hogwarts' two best Potions grads managed sugarfree strawberry jam.

Title: Amortentia

House: Slytherin

Word Count: 100

Characters: Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle

He should be in trouble for brewing it, but he's Slytherin, so he's not worried.

Well, not about that, anyway.

"Pumpkin pasties," Crabbe says, and Goyle says, "Them cupcakes we found floating second year."

"French champagne," Pansy breathes. "The expensive sort." Flutters her eyelashes in Draco's direction. He'll worry about that later.

"Daff at midnight in the Astronomy Tower, when I've got her skirt-"

"Merlin, Blaise," Draco snaps.

"What do you smell?" Pansy asks. Draco cringes behind Malfoy mask.

"Vanilla," he says, and thinks Harry Potter after Quidditch.

Which is how he knows brewing Amortentia was a bad idea…

harry/draco, author: curiouslyfic, rating: pg, challenge: neopolitan, slytherins, ron/hermione

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