Title: Handle
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Battle
Pairing: Winky/Dobby
Rating: G
Timeline: Deathly Hallows
She knows. Winky is a good elf, a clever elf, despite what the other house-elves may mutter as they clear away her empty bottles of Butterbeer. Winky is a clever elf, she helped keep her Master Barty hidden for years.
Winky is a clever elf. She knows.
Winky knows what it means that Dobby hasn’t returned.
Dobby was a bad elf, for he spoke ill of his family, he collected socks and woollen hats.
Dobby was a bad elf. And Winky misses him.
Winky follows Kreacher’s cry, but it is Dobby on her mind when she rushes into the battle.