Rock / Paper / Scissors / Draw

Jan 27, 2007 23:32

Title: Rock
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Rowena Ravenclaw, OCs.
Author's Notes: All of these drabbles stand alone. Yay. If I've got any research wrong (except for the pruning shears, I know that's wrong), do tell me, since there are some things in here where information's just not very available. Oh, and so people don't think I made them up myself; the Vegetable Lamb was a real fake plant! Really!

Eadwig had brought a large supply of red thread. It was proof against witches, said Eadwig, and they could find their way through the castle with it.

Later, they'd had to hack down a dense web of red thread across the corridor. Then the fool suggested breadcrumbs! None of them were ever listening to Eadwig again.

The stone in front of them groaned and stood at attention, parting to allow the passage of a horsy-looking woman dressed in blue. She smiled, pointing a wand at them. "Castle caught you, did it? I knew that charm'd be useful. Drop your weapons."

Title: Paper
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Godric Gryffindor, OC.

"It comes from plants?" Godric paused as his speech went through the linguistic transfiguration, and al-Aziz shook his head. It threw him off for a second before he remembered they did their gestures differently. "Not just, you know, vegetable lambs?"

He nodded. Godric supposed that meant no. "I will show you," he said. "Come with me. We have a very good library! Lots of magical theory."

He didn't need to be asked twice, and soon he was examining not-parchment scrolls full of delicate Arabic words that looked like decorations. All he could understand were the diagrams, but that was enough.

Title: Scissors
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Helga Hufflepuff

Vegetable lambs were, to Helga, the most useful plants in all Creation. They could give fertilizer, wool, parchment, mutton, and if you were desperate, milk. Even without that, they were often a plant-animal bridge in her experiments.

That didn't mean they weren't obnoxious little buggers; you had to keep them from breaking their stems or starving to death. So she'd put them in pots, Levitated the pots, and let them graze freely.

Bad idea, she realized, looking out at the grounds and seeing tiny lamb seedlings everywhere.

She reached for the pruning shears. They were having lamb for supper tonight.

Title: Draw
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Characters: Salazar Slytherin, OC.

Salazar frowned at the parchment describing the potion. There was extensive use of the Kahroba Hex on seawater, and then you stood back and hoped not to die -- and then you started heating the wine as you filtered out gunk from the seawater...

But how did it work? Salazar had no explanation, and his students were curious.

There was a knock. "Sir, an owl's arrived with a Council message," said the goblin servant.

Salazar took the scroll, relieved. Sometimes he needed to do something easy. And there were only thirteen people on the Council; how hard could it be?

challenge: material, salazar slytherin, the founders, rating: pg-13, helga hufflepuff, rowena ravenclaw, godric gryffindor, author: kaesa

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