Title: Snakes Rely on Coils and Fangs; Spiders Upon Silken Things
cor_leonis_1961House: Slytherin
Challenge: Dreams
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: omg, I wrote something without Remus! *le gasp* This drabble might otherwise be titled: the wily ways of Professor Snape.
“Expelliarmus! Crucio! Crucio! Sectumsempra! Levicorpus! Crucio! Impedimenta! Tarantallegra! Crucio, damn you!” Harry shouted, nearly weeping with frustration.
“Prolificacy is not the same thing as proficiency, Potter!” Snape finally exploded, his anger thunderous. “Imperio!”
And with one word, Harry realized spell strength was not a constant, and that Snape was a much, much stronger wizard than Barty Crouch Jr.
“You will pay attention,” Snape hissed, and Harry dangled unwillingly from his every word. “Black’s elf, Kreacher, is a repugnant thief. Retrieve what he has stolen, and it will lead you to me.” Snape sneered.
The world dissolved, and Harry woke gasping.