Title: I Feel Fine
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 'the end'
Character(s): Harry Potter, Colin Creevy
Rating: G
Author's Notes: The song is a butchered version of R.E.M, 'It's the end of the world as we know it [And I feel Fine]
". . .this is the end of the world as we know it . . .". Focused on their performance the singer didn't notice a sneaky presence enter the room and creep up to the shower.
"It is the end . . " Swiftly yanking the curtain aside the bathroom invader shoved a camera in Harry's face.
"Say Cheese." Colin fled screaming. Harry scrambled out of the bathroom after him, foam flying. Only to come to a halt when he reached the common room, where his house mates were all lined up camera's ready, singing along.
"This is the end."
Title: If only
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 'the end'
Character(s): Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Dobby
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I think I created a monster.
"Hi I'm Athena, Xandria, Silvian, Lightstar. I'm half elf, quater veela, seven sixths vampire, four eight's werewolf, and two fifths angel." Hermione had, had to gag Harry, as he had stared screaming when she entered.
"I like boys with glasses and tortured pasts." Harry, who had chewed through his gag screamed.
"I'll Avada myself before that bint touches me." Suddenly Dobby appeared in front of him,
"You shall not harm Harry Potter." With a flick of his hand Athena, blah, blah, blah disappeared. Tears streaming, Harry fell to his knees and hugged Dobby.
"I thought it was the end."
Title: The Beginning of the End
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 'the end'
Character(s): Vernon Dursley
Rating: G
Author's Notes: What seems like an ending for one person, isn't always that for another.
Vernon stared at the giant of a man that had stormed his little fortress out here on this rock. Only fear stopped him from raging and screaming. It was the end of normal.
After they had sweat blood to make that boy ordinary. They had fought tooth and nail to keep him normal, if that meant they were a bit tougher on him than Dudley then so be it, he once imagined that the boy would thank him.
Once the pair had left Vernon stomped over to the gaping door way, the dark night closed around him and he sighed.
Title: Jam
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 'the end'
Character(s): Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Some one isn't really gone until everything that they made is gone.
"I used up the last of Mum's plum jam this morning."
Hermione glanced up from her papers.
"Well, there's plenty more in the cupboard."
"No there's not."
"Oh well, maybe we can borrow some from Fred."
Ron eased himself into his chair and leaned back.
"No I've already asked and he ran out a couple of months ago. He was going to ask if we had any of Mum's preserves himself."
"Then, Ginny?"
"No, not her, we're the last one's."
"That's the end of it then."
"Some how she never really seemed gone, while there was something in the cupboard."