Title: Momentary Hero
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Take your pick…
Challenge: Bank
Word Count: 100
A/N: I know who I was thinking - let’s see who you come up with for this one.
When he staggered up onto the bank, he had no idea what to expect. Certainly, he would never have imagined the reception he got when he handed the half-drowned first year off.
“You saved her!” A first year girl he barely recognized swooped in and kissed him on the lips, “Thank you!”
A boy he should know, wearing his house colors, slapped him on the back, “Way to go, man. She would have drowned if not for you.”
As he stood there, dripping muddy water, he soaked in the moment, So, this is what it feels like to be Potter.
Title: The Things I Do
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Millicent
Challenge: Bank
Word Count: 100
A/N: Again, playing with one of my AUs (namely Theo and Pansy). I am also playing with Millie (bet she HATES that) because I think she really envies Pansy for Draco - although, god knows, that definitely isn’t in the books.
Quietly, Millicent teased apart the reeds and slithered a higher up the embankment. Her quarry had no idea that she followed them out there and she intended on keeping it that way.
Draco was clueless, of course, and, for some Gryffindorkish reason, wouldn’t pry into her brain to see for himself.
Millicent gnashed her teeth as a mosquito bit her. “The things I do for him.”
A sudden movement caught her eye in the darkness; it was Pansy and Theodore. Millicent grinned, making sure to remember every scintillating detail, before sneaking back inside.
Let Draco try to deny her now.
Title: Nothing
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Blaise
Challenge: Bank
Word Count: 100
A/N: Another SerialKiller!Blaise…I cannot decide which way I play with his characterization better; either the stone cold killer or the psycho who doesn’t even remember it half the time.
Blaise almost dropped his steaming mug of coffee on his lap when he glanced down at the morning paper.
Young Witch Found Dead, Homicide Indicated
Carefully, he set his mug down on the table and eased the paper closer.
Early this morning, Aurors found a young witch dead on the riverbank…
“Oh, god.” He breathed, he knew that woman.
Her red hair was the only thing left identifiable…
With a snarl, Blaise snatched the paper up and threw it away. He had nothing to do with some random witch being cut up. Nothing.
The mud on his shoes proved nothing.
Title: Bureaucratic Reasoning
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Nameless Aurors and Hermione
Challenge: Bank
Word Count: 100
A/N: This one can certainly go either way - happy or really sodding depressing. You decide.
They reasoned it out later, after the chaos had died down. A team of experts led the way, each offering their own leaned opinions in hushed voices, each expert equally wrong. They dithered about making their findings officials, they argued, ever so politely, about who was right and who was wrong, they called each other names, wrapped up in civilized language, hiding bullying with flowery prose.
It took a girl, hands fisted on her hips and tears mixing with the ash and blood on her face, to point out the glaringly obvious.
The killing shot had banked off a mirror.