Title: Pure-Blood Girls
House: Ravenclaw
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Draco/Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle
Challenge: Born to be Bad
Word Count: 100
gkingsleyA/N: Feedback is loved.
Goyle entered the Slytherin Common Room to find Draco and Crabbe deep in conversation. As he approached the green leather sofa, he spotted Pansy on her knees before Draco, her head buried in his crotch, bobbing furiously. Neither boy seemed to notice her presence.
"When do I get a turn?" Goyle whined in frustration. Draco shuddered once, delicately, and stood up, shoving Pansy roughly out of the way. She looked up, her eyes filled with tears and adoration. "We don't pass around pure-bloods like that, Goyle. When the war's over, Granger's yours. Just as soon as I'm through with her."