Title: Shades of Grey
animimaresCharacter(s): Draco Malfoy, mentions of Lord Voldemort, Narcissa Malfoy and Harry Potter
Challenge: Born to be Bad
Word Count: 100
House: Slytherin
Author's Notes: Okay, so I played around a little. There is evil in it, but that is not the focus. Sorry.
You do not exactly consider yourself evil.
You look at Potter and think that if Potter is good then you are not, but evil is not the word for it.
Evil is something else entirely and it holds your mother in capture as a way of making sure you do as it tells you to. And until now you have followed its rules.
No, it isn’t evil to stand here in front of Potter, asking for asylum - but it isn’t good either. It is somewhere in between, shades of grey, if that is even possible in a war like this.
~ animimares