Death Eater R&R: Part 9

May 24, 2006 22:33

Title: Death Eater R&R Part 9
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG/Little bit of lingo.
Characters/Pairings: Death Eaters
Author's Notes: I had to jump on the bandwagon with this one. I couldn't help myself. Wonderful idea that wulfkub had, and wonderful works that were continued by soberloki, greenbryeth, wolfma, gehayi, and bluejeanphoenix. Hope I did it justice.

30. We are all aware of Lucius Malfoy’s cane, but please, for the love of Merlin, don’t call it a ‘pimp cane’. Lucius has permission from the Dark Lord to bitch slap anyone who does such.

31. The only one of the Death Eaters that is allowed to have a nickname is Peter, who sometimes will be referred to as Wormtail. No others are permitted to have cool nicknames. (Sorry Goyle your request has been turned down for the nickname of Gravedigger.)

32. If in doubt, kill them, unless they’re another Death Eater. And no, you may not Crucio Bella.

challenge: staff development, death eaters, rating: pg, death eaters r&r, author: lady_match

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