Title: Death Eater R&R, Part IV
House: Hufflepuff
Rating: G
Characters: General Death Eaters
Challenge: Staff Development
Word count: 100
A/N: Thanks go to
bluejeanphoenix and
soberloki, who wrote parts
two and
11. Endeavour to sound threatening. Repeating your potential victim's name once per sentence doesn't sound threatening. It makes you sound like a slightly giddy fangirl.
12. When casting the Dark Mark, do so ONLY a) when someone's dead and b) when you're about to leave. It's a symbol of terror, not a billboard saying, "WE ARE HERE."
13. If you kill another Death Eater by accident, the Dark Lord will have the same accident with you.
14. Tarantallegra does not constitute an Unforgivable.
15. Practice your curses. Remember, we're going to be attacking Harry Potter again this year. In June.