Increased Amiability / Staff Development / What a Suck-Up

May 22, 2006 03:39

Such non-graphic smut from me! Oh, the horror!

Title: Increased Amiability
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Staff Development
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: Blip.

"Well, that was utterly pointless," Remus muttered as he walked through the hallway.

Snape, at his side, mumbled something that sounded less like agreement and more like a noise one makes to placate someone.

"It certainly hasn't taught us how to resolve conflicts between staff. Nor has it allowed us to respect and understand one another's points any better."

A nod from the other man.

Sighing, they turned into the potions room where Remus was to receive his Wolfsbane.

As Severus teased his hand under Remus' robes, though, he had to think the staff development had certainly taught increased amiability.

Title: Staff Development
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Staff Development
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick/Pomona Sprout, Argus Filtch, Rolanda Hooch/Severus Snape
Warnings: Orgy, gross pairings, wanking, vanilla sex, blow job, licking
Author's Notes: I could only fear what the meetings would be like if they went like this at all… And yes, such a creative title.

"I'm not… sure… this… is what… team building … is supposed… to be," Minerva panted as she clung to the table in the teacher's lounge.

"Well, leave it to the muggles to suggest we 'get to know one another more personally in the workplace'," mentioned Flitwick as he slowly dragged his tongue over Pomona's large breast.

"I rather like it, Albus," added Filtch as he stroked himself while watching the orgy taking place in front of him.

"What do they call it, again?" questioned Hooch, who was kneeling in front of Severus.

As Albus pounded Minerva, he chimed, "Staff development."

Title: What a Suck-Up
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Staff Development
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: Slash, blowjob
Author's Notes:Lucky Lupin. I mean… cough… no…

"They seem to have forgotten a few things in the training, wouldn't you say, Severus?"

"Like how to keep half-breeds from eating their students?" he questioned with a sneer.

"No. Like how to spot a sneak and spy from 500 meters away."

"Oh, haha, Lupin."

Lupin flashed a playful grin.

"They also seemed to forget the chapter on how to suck up to your superiors," Severus added coolly, looking down his nose at the scarred man in front of him.

"Oh, trust me, I've got that covered," Remus said, with a twinkle in his eyes, as he began to suck.
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