Traitor's Circle/Complete the Circle/Circle of Favors/Circle Cut Short

Apr 20, 2006 23:34

Title: Traitor's Circle
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13 (adult language)
Characters: Harry and Hermione
Challenge: Circle of Life
Word Count: 100
A/N: Oh, man, do I wish.

They poured over the maps, checking and memorizing every tiny detail. Contingency plans were drawn up, escape routes memorized, wands checked for maximum effectiveness.

On the way to the Dark Lord’s lair, Harry grabbed him and threw him against the wall, digging his wand deep into the man’s throat, “If you have betrayed us…”

“Leave him alone, Harry.” Hermione pulled on Harry’s hand, “He is completing his circle. He will not betray us.”

Harry scowled, “And if he has?”

Hermione grinned evily, “The Fates are a bitch and so am I. Trust me, Harry, Peter won’t live to regret it.”

Title: Complete the Circle
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13 (adult language)
Characters: Theodore and his father
Challenge: Circle of Life
Word Count: 100
A/N: Just tormenting Theo some more...

“I brought you into this world, boy, and I will take you out of it!”

Theodore bitterly stared at his father, “Go ahead.”

“Don’t push me, boy.”

“What’s the matter, father? Don’t have the guts to do it?” Theodore laughed, softly, “That didn’t stop you when you killed my mother.”

“I didn’t kill her.”

Theodore glared his father into silence, “Don’t bother denying it, father. You killed her, just the same as if you’d slit her wrists yourself. So, go on, you bastard. Complete the circle.”

When his father stormed from the room, Theodore whispered, “That’s what I thought, father.”

Title: Circle of Favors
House: Gryffindor
Rating: R (adult topics)
Characters: Snape, James, and Sirius
Challenge: Circle of Life
Word Count: 100
A/N: This may offend you, it is not my intention, however.

“Oh, look, James,” Sirius raised an eyebrow, “I do believe that Snivellus has come out to play. Or to get a sunburn. It’s hard to tell.”

James looked up from the book he was reading, “Or maybe he is just looking for a handy tree.”

Sirius casually sauntered over to Snape and slapped his back, “Your mother never taught you how to use indoor plumbing, Snivellus? She really didn’t do you any favors, did she?”

“Your mother should have done you a favor, Black,” Snape spat out visciously, “and used a coathanger in a back alley before you were born.”

Title: Circle Cut Short
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13 (adult topic)
Characters: Bellatrix
Challenge: Circle of Life
Word Count: 100
A/N: I love ColdHeartedBitch!Bella...

She pressed her hand tightly on her flat stomach and stared blindly at the little white stick in her shaking hand. Was she ready for this? Could she really turn her life completely upside down for a helpless infant?

Her lip curled at the thought, she had no time or place in her life for those that were helpless.

Not even her own flesh and blood.

Crossing to the fire, Bellatrix threw a handful of flue powder in it, “Snape,” she sneered coldly, “I need a potion.”

Not even for the Dark Lord’s child would Bella sacrifice her hard-won freedom.

sirius, peter, bellatrix, rating: pg, snape, harry/hermione, challenge: circle of life, theodore, author: wulfkub, james

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