Revenge/Feast or Famine/Abject Condition/Smoke

Mar 18, 2006 00:16

Title: Revenge
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: unnamed Hogwarts student
Challenge: Starve
Word Count: 100
A/N: Eh, sorry, I saw the most horrible movie in cognitive science today about a girl who had been tortured her entire life, completely deprived of anything except for food and water. It was horrible and, to make it worse, it was a true story. Thus a drabble was born.

When the boy first came, he was small, stringy, and malnourished. The adults watched as the boy frantically stuffed food into his mouth, not even bothering to chew in his haste, and had to turn away.

They taught him that food would never go away, that he never had to steal food, that it would be given unstintingly. They gave the boy their trust and gained his in return. He grew and matured, loosing his wilder edges.

When they brought the news that his parents were dead in the boy's seventh year, his tears of joy did not shock them.

Title: Feast or Famine
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Bellatrix
Challenge: Starve
Word Count: 100
A/N: Eh, nothing really.

Feast or famine. That was how the world worked and who knew it better than Bellatrix? She had feasted, dear gods yes, steaming hot blood, sticky and sweet, fresh from the corpse at her feet, the last screams ever uttered by her victim still ringing sweetly in her ears. She had also starved, locked up tight in Azkaban, deprived of anyone else's suffering except for her own and the endless sobbing of the sea on the shore.

That was why, perhaps, Bella's first victim took an abnormally long time to die before being stabbed to death with a conch shell.

Title: Abject Condition
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Narcissa and Draco
Challenge: Starve
Word Count: 100
A/N: Right after Lucius is locked up in Azkaban.

Closing the door behind the Aurors, Narcissa turned around and slid down, bringing her knees up to her chest. She did not cry, she would never allow herself to do something so base as that, but nor could she convince herself to get off the floor.

Their butler found her like that, sitting on the floor and shaking. Alarmed, he gathered her up and put her in bed before owling for the doctor.

When Draco finally made it home, he was shocked at his mother's abject condition. Quietly, he patched her back together and vowed revenge.

On all of them.

Title: Smoke
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Peter, mentions Lily and James
Challenge: Starve
Word Count: 100
A/N: Something had to set him off...

I burn for you.

Peter stared down at the parchment in front of him and crossed the words out. Too trite, he decided.

I starve without you.

Rolling his eyes, he scribbled the line out.

I love you.

Sweet, simple, and perfect.

"Hey guys, you will never believe it!" James practically bounced in the common room, "Lily said yes!"

Quietly, Peter crushed the paper in his hands and gave James a bitter smile. Slipping over to the fire, he dropped the paper in. Flaring once, the incriminating evidence went up in smoke. Just like his dreams. Just like his heart.

challenge: starve, peter, bellatrix, unnamed student, rating: pg, author: wulfkub, narcissa/draco

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