Too Late (Heart challenge)

Feb 12, 2006 14:57

Title: Too Late
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Character: Dumbledore
Rating: PG
Challenge: Heart
Author's Note: Contains HBP spoilers. Based very heavily on the conversation between Dumbledore and Harry at the end of OotP.


Dumbledore knew what happened in war when you let your heart override your head, and so he tried to let his head govern in the fight against darkness.

But then came Harry. Time and again, Dumbledore tried to harden his heart against the child, tried to use the boy as a weapon against Voldemort. But one look at the boy, so young, so alive, so stubborn, and Dumbledore always gave in. Next year, he told himself.

Now, lying on the parapet, waiting for the death Severus's wand threw in his direction, Dumbledore couldn't find it in himself to be sorry.

challenge: heart, albus dumbledore, rating: pg, author: mhalachaiswords

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