Title: The Slytherin Hazings
Character[s]: The Slytherin Trio and Her Squidness
Rating: G
Challenge: The Squid of Hogwarts Lake
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Both titles amused me so, I couldn't decide. Dedicating this one to
wulfkub. Why will become apparent.
Every year, without fail, the Slytherin hazings. Scared or cocky firsties would do the same thing; after dark, against the rules, enter the water with a tasty fish. Of course she came; it was free fish.
"STUPEFY!" shouted the sneering, pale-faced, silver-hair.
She thought it was time to have a little fun. She flailed wildly above the water, then splash-flopped in the shallows, lying deathly still.
As Draco strutted away proudly, she tapped him on one shoulder with a tentacle.
As he, Crabbe and Goyle ran screaming, she blew amused bubbles, thinking to herself.
Silly humans. Tricks are for Squids.