Title: Weeping Soldier X
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Draw
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Angry music --> angry drabble. Soldier X is, by the way,
a disturbing piece of artwork by Ed and Nancy Keinholz which I'm in love with.
"This paper was perfect. It was uncrumpled and unscathed; a beautiful leaf of pure white. A tree was sacrificed for this. And now I've gone and ruined it. You're currently reading my mess of thoughts; I hope you're enjoying them. Hermione said writing my experiences of the war down might help me. Hah. They said I've become more angry, more intense; increasingly more unlike my pre-soldier self. Well, so what? They don't know what I've been through. They would never understand. Never."
And below this monologue, Hermione noticed that Neville had drawn a magically weeping face which suddenly mirrored her own.