The Best Present/Unwrapping/Cookies/Tradition

Dec 27, 2005 21:15

*Note: Linked drabbles, but can stand alone.*

Title: The Best Present
Characters: MWPP
WC: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: Present

Sirius, Remus thinks, through the haze of mental smoke threatening to choke him, just turned into a dog. It is true; Sirius did just turn into a dog, and James into a stag, and Peter into a rat, and Remus really, really needs to wake up now, because this is just not happening

“Sirius,” he says, weakly, and then, “Mates,” but nothing further comes out, so he just stares.

Eventually, they switch back. “Merry Christmas, Remus,” Sirius whispers with a grin. “We should head for the Shack.”

Remus agrees. Later, he changes, surrounded by the best present he’s ever gotten.

Title: Unwrapping
Characters: Sirius/Remus
WC: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: Present

“Pads,” Remus hisses, looking around. He cannot see Sirius, but he can feel him, nearby and no doubt planning something diabolical….

“Ommmph,” Remus gasps, hitting the snow-covered ground with a thud. “Padfoot, what are you…” His voice trails off as he looks up into Sirius’s smiling face. “Hi,” he mumbles, very quietly, and suddenly Sirius cocks his head to the side.

“Merry Christmas, Moony,” he whispers, his voice trembling. They kiss, gentle at first, but then frantic and fumbling, with the air of children unwrapping their gifts.

And so we are, thinks Remus happily, before giving in to sensation entirely.

Title: Cookies
Characters: Sirius/Remus
WC: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: Present
A/N: Most abstract use of the challenge.

Christmas should be as awkward as everything else has been, really, but it’s not. Apparently prison couldn’t strip Sirius of some things, because his spirit is as strong as ever. Perhaps that’s the point-strength of spirit-though Remus cannot imagine what more Sirius might have to endure.

Sirius is making cookies when he slips in, but stops to look at Remus. “Gingerbread?” he offers with a smile, and Remus accepts. He is shocked when Sirius’s spiced mouth meets his own, tasting of cookies and memories.

“Merry Christmas, Moony,” Sirius whispers, and Remus vows to give up chocolate for gingerbread.

Title: Tradition
Characters: Sirius/Remus
WC: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: Present

Remus dies on Christmas Day. Of course he does-sometimes he thinks (thought, he muses dryly, looking down at his own body) that every important bit of his life happened on Christmas. Bitten on Christmas, loved on Christmas, kissed on Christmas. He should have expected it, really.

What he does not expect, could not have imagined, is the gift of Sirius, calmly watching him from the other side of life. “Padfoot?” Remus gasps, shocked, and Sirius nods, stepping forward.

“Merry Christmas, Moony,” he whispers gently, again, like always, and Remus is fiercely glad for tradition, that some things never change.

challenge: present, author: tousled_quill

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