Mad Advice/Derision

Dec 04, 2005 21:04

Title: Mad Advice
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG
Characters: Lavender
Challenge: Constant Vigilance
Word Count: 100
A/N: Eh, warning, character death.

“Constant vigilance?” She asked as she walked out of the class, glad to be away from Mad Eye til the next class, “A person would go mad trying to pay attention to everything all the time.”

Dean snorted and nodded his head, “He’s barking mad, no one can do that.”

Shrugging, Lavender smiled, “He’s rather aptly named, isn’t he?”

Had she remembered that sage bit of advice, even if it was given by a mad man, she might not have ended up the way she did; killed by a mob of Death Eaters on her way home late one night.

Title: Derision
House: Gryffindor
Rating: R (language)
Characters: Rudolphus
Challenge: Constant Vigilance
Word Count: 100
A/N: Eh, Bella is crazy, we all know this. But, how crazy is she really?

Every time he went to his cell door, she was there, staring at him. Hatred practically dripped from her eyes, scorn and derision twisted her face. Soon, he learned to stay away and hide where she could not see him.

He could not escape her completely. She talked to him constantly, alternating whispers with screams, punctuated with maniacal laughter. Plugging his fingers in his ears never drowned her out.

One day, she fell silent.

Curiosity nagging, he finally crept over to the door. Darting a glance into her cell, he promptly turned away, retching.

His wife was fucking a Dementor.

rating: pg, author: wulfkub, lavender brown, challenge: constant vigilance, rodolphus lestrange, rating: r

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