Title: A Dangerous Game
House: Slytherin.
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Draco. Hermione.
When you arrive home and you see the Dark Lord’s calling about it, will you run? Will you cry for the lost lives of your family?
The note is crude. Very. And because you are who you are, you do leave your office and return home. You don’t want it to be true, but, God, if it is-
It’s there. It’s there, you realize. Run. God, please no! Run.
“You played a dangerous game, Granger.”
And you really did. There’s really no need for Malfoy to tell you so, though. You stare at him, hate so clearly on your face.
Title: Rancid
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Hermione. Ron. Harry. Draco.
Author's Notes: Also used for
It smells rancid. Hermione covers her nose; Ron, Harry and several others follow. It’s their job to find everyone. She doesn’t want to.
She plows on though, searching the forest. The Battle of the Forbidden Forest commenced yesterday. This was the result. The remaining seventh years, searching for the bodies of students.
Hermione screams as she trips over-she freezes-Draco Malfoy.
“Hermione?” Ron calls.
She sees his chest rise. “He’s…alive.”
“Mark?” Harry now.
She checks his arms. The smell is sickening. “No.”
She watches two others she doesn’t know move in to lift the boy and covers her nose once more.