Title: The Dark Mark
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings:Snape, Draco, Ginny
Author's Notes: part of a longer fanfic I'm writting, but I think it stands well by itself :D posted in
ginny_draco100 for the damanged challange as well. those wishing to read the full story as its finished can add
inhibitions to their friends page or simply read through there.
Draco glared at Ginny, already in Snape's office. He slammed the door. “What's going on?”
“Afternoon Mr. Malfoy. Meet your newest contact.”
Draco stared.
“Ginny Weasley. You missed her initiation; you were in detention. You must control yourself around Potter.”
Ginny blinked. “You’re a Death Eater? Snape said... your father...but you?”
Draco grabbed her left wrist and shoved the sleeve up. On her forearm, the skull and snake.
“Excuse me!” Ginny pulled her arm away. “What if I did that to you?”
Draco pushed his sleeve up. “No need, Weasley.” It fell back down, covering his own dark mark.