I Don't Drink Coffee

Nov 21, 2005 16:33

Title: I Don’t Drink Coffee
Word Count: 100, according to MS Word.
House: Ravenclaw
Characters/Pairings: Krum, Krum x Hermione to a degree
Rating: G
Challenge: Other Schools
Author's Note: First entry in this community. I hope I don’t disgrace myself :P

For the title, I randomly remembered two lines from the song “Pretty Girls” by Prozzak (it's a cute song):

GUY: “Do you want to go out for a coffee with me?”
GIRL: “I don’t drink coffee.”

Enjoy. Constructive criticism is always appreciated :)


The sun glimmered through the frosted dormitory windows. Viktor Krum sat at a table the color of forgotten coffee left to congeal.

He held a letter, written on rough, cream-colored parchment. It was addressed to him in the unmistakenably perfect writing he’d come to recognize. He knew what there would be inside: “Hello Viktor, how are you? Things are going well. I might have failed my Herbology exam; I think I got number 15d wrong. And then Ron…and afterward Harry…”

And it would pain him every time, knowing that he wasn’t there with her.

He sighed.

And opened the letter.

hermione granger, author: wusai, rating: g, viktor/hermione, viktor krum, challenge: other schools, durmstrang

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