Title: A Lesson in Vocabulary
funkifi3d_m3House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Swing
Word Count: 100
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Not my best so peace out y'all. =)
“And she was all like, ‘Duuudeee.’ And I was all like, ‘Righteous bra!’ And she was all like, ‘Totally cool beans.’ And I was all like...”
“Uhh...Hermione? Why are you pulling out clumps of your hair?”
“Hey! What were those for?!”
Turning to Ron, Hermione breathed out, “That was for disturbing my studies by being a usual git. And yours was for introducing him to televisions Harry!”
“She’s got a mean right swing that one,” Ron mumbled as Hermione stalked off muttering to herself about the incompetence of the opposite sex and losing faith in the human race.