Late With A Good Reason

Oct 24, 2005 12:59

Title: Late With A Good Reason
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100 - So says MSWord
Characters/Pairings: Marauders Minus Peter, Early Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG for one tiny curse word
Author's Notes: Once again, I can't believe no one's done this! Oh, and please don't hit me for the corny-ness! One other thing, I know the book calls them poufs, but I'm going on an artistic limb here and saying that the things you sit on in divinations are pillows. I tried to add author: chibi_slash to the tags list, but it wouldn't let me! *Sniff* Much thanks to hpbutterfly for explaining the tag add! ^_^

A few students looked up as three teens rushed into the room, barely ducking the evil eye their professor was giving them.

"A detention for each of you for being late!"

"I told you we were going to be late!" Remus hissed under his breath as the divinations professor began the lesson.

"Ahhh... But this will be worth it, Moony-my-love!"

"So you got the potion onto it?"

"Of course!"

She was moving towards her pillow... Three...

He had made it according to plan... Two...

One animating potion on the professor's pillow... One!

"Hey lady! Get your arse off my face!"

sirius black, remus lupin, challenge: pillow talk, author: chibi_slash, sirius/remus, james potter, rating: pg

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