Too Late/Preserving Secrets/Watering Her Grass/Redemption in Pain/Nothing Needed

Oct 22, 2005 00:05

Title: Too Late
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Igor
Challenge: Elements - Earth
Word Count: 100
Notes: Yay, the Muse is back!

It was his last day to live.

Igor smiled sardonically at the thought; he could smile now. Why not? It was too late to run, too late to apologize, too late to turn to Dumbledore for protection. Might as well accept it and find some enjoyment in the day.

What little of it was left.

As the sun set, a cold hand gripped his shoulder, forcing him to kneel on the moist earth. Igor knelt obediently, prepared to start the cycle anew. “Tell the Dark Lord,” he whispered, “to sod off.”

Just for that, they made him beg for death.

Title: Preserving Secrets
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ginny and Draco
Challenge: Elements - Air
Word Count: 100
Notes: What can I say? The fight is staged.

Carefully timed, they met in the Great Hall. “Raggedy Anne.” He said loudly, smirking when she flushed crimson.

She hated it when he called her that.

The next time he walked by her, he intentionally jostled her elbow, spilling her pumpkin juice.

She stewed.

He got the reaction he wanted when he dumped an entire bowl of porridge over her head, “I hate you, Malfoy!” She shrieked, leaping to her feet, flinging porridge at him, “I hate the very air you breathe!”

Much later, they met in their sanctuary of shadows, urgent apologies giving way to violent passion, secrets preserved.

Title: Watering her Grass
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Narcissa and Avery
Challenge: Elements - Earth
Word Count: 100
Notes: Voldemort wants to know where Draco is hiding after HBP.

“Hit me again and I will kill you.” Narcissa raised her eyes to stare at Avery, masterfully ignoring the pain.

He scoffed at her, “Where is Draco, Narcissa?”

Dragging herself upright, Narcissa smiled coldly, “Do you honestly think I will tell you?”

“Not really.” He replied, jabbing her hard in the stomach and she doubled over, “But He wants to know.”

Somewhere in her, a fire raged, spurring her to action. Straightening, she lashed out once, the way Lucius taught her, driving his nose into his brain. Avery dropped, watering her grass, and she smiled grimly, “I did warn you.”

Title: Redemption in Pain
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ginny and Draco
Challenge: Elements - Fire
Word Count: 100
Notes: I tried to write this as smut. I really did. Somehow, I just can’t get there.

His right hand found her hip and her head found the wall with a solid thud. Dazed, she stared at him, waiting to see what he would do next.

Avoiding her staring eyes, he picked up a lock of red hair, rubbing it between his fingers, “You want this.” Statement, not a question.

Already burning, she arched, not hesitating when he bruisingly gripped her hip and crushed her mouth with his. Passion flared and caught, even as the torch above them sputtered and died.

In the dark, they met, two anguished souls drowning in one another, seeking redemption in pain.

Title: Nothing Needed
House: Gryffindor
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Hermione
Challenge: Elements - Spirit
Word Count: 100
Notes: I love this one...I hope you do too.

Dragging her broken body over to his side, Hermione ignored pain, desperate to reach him, digging her nails bloody. An eternity later, she looked at the man lying prone, seeing only the boy she loved. She might have screamed, for certain, she passed out because she remembered nothing else before waking in St. Mungos.

A pair of green eyes, haunted like her own, found hers across a busy hospital ward. Nothing was said, nothing needed to be said. Gently, Harry held her as she cried; both glad to be alive, both hating themselves for it.

And somewhere, a spirit smiled.

draco/ginny, narcissa malfoy, author: wulfkub, avery, challenge: the elements, rating: pg-13

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