Title: Sphere of Clarity
Author: Boz (
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100 on the nose.
Characters/Pairings: Draco genfic.
Rating: PG-13ish for mildly disturbing images of a violent nature.
Author's Notes: So, this thing spiraled into a 1,563 word short one-shot genfic. It was a bastard to wrangle it down to 100 words, but it was done. Check my journal if you want the longer verson, it's being beta'ed and it'll be up soon. Also, my first drabble in a very long time, so as a new writer, I will love you long time for any feedback, positive or negative, yes? Yes.
Lupin speaks. "Air. Without it, we would perish."
Draco knows this like he knows 1+1 is 2, like he knows his name is Malfoy. Like the time he was four, and Narcissa tried to drown him in the bathtub. The wedding ring was sharp- cut the back of his neck deep from the struggle. His father slapped his mother's face beyond bloody before he could be freed.
The cut faded by age five, like the breath of an illusion.
"Draco, what did I just say?"
Draco decides to answer with the lesson he's learned the hardest.
"Air. Without it, we would perish."