Washing Guilt // Homecoming // Make Me // Red-Haired Dancer

May 18, 2005 23:56

Title: Washing Guilt
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters: Severus
Challenge: Fluid
Author's Note: About the time Severus switched sides.

He held his robes under the heavy spray of his shower, trying to calm himself down as blood streamed from the sodden fabric in pink rivulets.

Repressing a shudder, he breathed deeply fighting the urge to flee his bathroom.

He was a proud man and his discovery that he'd been so stupid, so naive infuriated him. And he had let it happen. No excuses there.

Shrugging into the soaked robes, he forcibly stopped thinking about everything. The wet aggravating him - another part of his penance.

Dripping he left the bathroom, knowing that however clean his clothes were nothing could wash away his guilt.

Title: Homecoming
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters: Sirius, Remus
Challenge: Fluid
Author's Note: Hmm, I guess this would go after Book 4 but, I rather think it's more AU-ish than anything.

Moony, he thought doggedly, where was Moony? He could smell him but... Padfoot whined as he glanced uncertainly up and down the dirt path, he couldn't tell which way to go - and it was starting to rain. Heavily.

"S - Sirius?" A voice cracked, a familiar scent. He bolted for it, desperate for any sort of affection.

Moony hugged the dog close. Padfoot energetically writhed against him - he wasn't alone! Moony!

Moony laughed, "Come on, we've got to get in - we're getting soaked."

Splashing through puddles Padfoot raced Moony up the hill, fluid flying from his fur, barking happily.

He was home!

Title: Make Me
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters: Remus, Sirius
Challenge: Fluid
Author's Note: AU-ish I suppose. Not really connected to 'Homecoming'.

"Are you coming in?" Remus queried exasperatedly, "It's going to rain."

Sirius cast an appraising eye upwards, shrugging, "It's fine - I wont melt."

Remus sighed, Sirius had shown distaste for staying indoors since he'd arrived. Luckily his home was secluded. "Are you daft?" He inquired, "You'll get sick. Come in."


The rain began to fall, Remus groaned. He was impossible. "Sirius, I don't fancy dealing with a sick dog. Inside. Please."

Sirius flashed him a wicked grin, "Make me." Within seconds the man was gone and a large dog barked eagerly at him.

"Honestly." Grumbled Remus, smiling nonetheless, "Just how old are you?"

Title: Red-Haired Dancer
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters: Lily, James, baby Harry
Challenge: Fluid
Author's Note: N/A

She danced.

Her beautiful hair tumbling about her face, her eyes closed humming along to music only she could hear.

Watching her his breath caught, as she spun with such carefully fluid ease that she didn't disturb their tiny son who lay cradled in her arms.

She smiled up at him, somehow knowing he was there without hearing a sound. Dancing her way around furniture and assorted clutter she came towards him.

He hugged her close, kissing her lips and their son's forehead. He was grateful for moments like this where everything was good and safe. Moments where only they existed.

They danced on together.

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