Seventh drabble. I think this is the last one I can do for this challenge.
Title: The Truth in the Myths
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Swollen
Characters/Pairings: Umbridge, Poppy Pomfrey, Hermione
Summary: What happened to Umbridge.
When Umbridge was found lying on the forest floor, she had no visible wounds--only twigs in her hair and a swollen mouth. She shivered constantly. Poppy Pomfrey asked her what had happened, but Umbridge could not speak, save to scream at the hollow clip-clop of hooves.
"An accident," the teachers said, as though saying so could make it true. The students wondered why she'd been in the Forbidden Forest and what the centaurs had done to her.
Guiltily, Hermione Incendio'd Bulfinch's Mythology page by page, striving to obliterate myriad legends she'd memorised of kidnapped women, irate centaurs and rape.