
Mar 23, 2005 15:15

Title: Credo
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Swollen
Characters/Pairings: Sirius and Dumbledore
Summary: "Sirius struggled to believe in Dumbledore."

Though his grey eyes were swollen with unshed tears, Sirius struggled to believe in Dumbledore.

He suppressed the words that battered at his heart: You're the head of the Order. You're a Legilimens. You have enough influence to buck the sodding Ministry. But you never demanded that evidence be examined, that I be questioned under Veritaserum, that I have a public trial. I served you and the Order, and you assumed I was guilty, and abandoned me to a living death.

Sirius refused to ask the old wizard why.

He could face the betrayal of one man. But not two.

author: gehayi, sirius black, albus dumbledore, challenge: swollen

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