Things Unsaid

Feb 23, 2005 15:38

Title: Things Unsaid
Word Count: 100
Char/Pairings: Hermione, Neville
Challenge: Root
House: Slytherin

She watched from afar as the awkward boy trimmed the top of the mandrake plant, careful not to expose its roots. His lanky body normally caused his movements to be clumsy, but for some reason, his limbs were more relaxed than usual when handling the plants. Ever since that fainting incident in second year, he’d started spending more time in the greenhouse.

She’d known Neville for six years now, but not until the Rescue Mission at the Ministry of Magic had she seen him for himself. He was such a brave young man, willing to risk his life for friends.

Title: Things Unsaid II
Word Count: 100
Char/Pairings: Neville/Hermione
Challenge: Root
House: Slytherin

The boy continued to prune the mandrake, making sure its squirming roots wouldn’t be able to escape the tightly packed soil. When he was in the greenhouse nothing else mattered.. Not his parents at St. Mungo’s, not his Gran or Great Uncle Algie or Great Auntie Enid, not that terrifying professor Snape who made him stutter like no one else could. It was just Neville and his plants..until she came.


“I wanted to tell you.. Thank you.”

She bent down to where his crouched form sat looking up at her and placed a gentle kiss upon his lips.

Title: Things Unsaid III
Word Count: 100
Char/Pairings: Hermione/Neville, Harry
Challenge: Root
House: Slytherin

She hadn’t planned the kiss, but she was glad it happened. Neville’s kiss was comforting and terribly innocent, the kind you could melt into.

She was afraid of the emotions she’d felt with that one kiss. Neville was like her brother. She’d helped him find his toad Trevor on numerous occasions. She’d spent detention with him in the forbidden forest.

Her feelings blossomed for that awkward little boy turned courageous young man.
A smile graced her lips when she discovered Harry in the common room.

“You’ve got Neville on you.”


“I said, ‘You’ve got mandrake root in you hair.’”

hermione granger, challenge: root, author: knawty_knickers, neville longbottom

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