Missing Him/Missed Emotions/Missed Signals/Floo Call/Miss Take/Miss Understandings/Miss Weasley

Feb 12, 2005 01:19

Title: Missing Him
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff! Go Badgers!
Challenge: Miss
Characters: Hermione, Ron
Author Notes: Character death warning. Pg-13.

“Will you miss me?”

“‘Course,” Ron said, dully. Hermione knew it was a lie. She simply sighed, gave Ron an empty kiss on the cheek and let him go.

Their lives had become nothing outside of Harry’s death. At first it had been funeral arrangements, weeping friends to console. Then it was Orders of Merlin, Ministry appointments. Now it was lecture series, interviews, the International Confederation, Goodwill tours.

“We haven’t had sex in weeks,” Hermione had complained.

“Do you really want to?”

That had shut her up.

They were like dead leaves, blown by the same wind.

Until the test.

Title: Missed Emotions
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: Hermione, Ginny

After the test, it was abundantly clear that neither of them were dead leaves. That they were, in fact, very much alive.

And not only that - they were very much able to create life.

There was only one small problem.

“I’m pregnant,” Hermione confessed, via telephone. Ginny had gotten a Muggle cell phone to match her Muggle job.

“Hermione, that’s wonderful! Does Ron know?”

“Not yet.”

“…It is wonderful, isn’t it?”

Hermione tried to cry.

“I can’t feel anything. Not happy, not sad…not even surprised.”

“Stay put. I’m coming over.”

“No, you don’t-”

“Vanilla or Chocolate?”


“Five minutes.”

Title: Missed Signals
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: Hermione, Ginny

Hermione licked her strawberry-coated spoon.

“I should’ve guessed, when I missed - I thought it was just stress, you know?”

“Hermione, don’t beat yourself up about your reaction, okay? I mean - who says life has to be like a fairy story?”

Hermione laughed ruefully, and Ginny fell silent.

“You know…after Harry…you never really got a chance to -”

“To what? Grieve?”

“I’m sorry. It’s none of my -

“That’s the same thing Dumbledore said. Arrogant bastard.”


“This is my chance to grieve, Ginny - My life is grief, now, and so is Ron’s.”

“Not anymore...”

“…I’m thinking of -”


“…You’re right.”

Title: Floo Call
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: R/H

Maybe it was just the hormones, but Hermione realized she really missed Ron. The trip was short: only a week at Beauxbatons, but it seemed ages until Saturday. She decided to wait to tell him.

“How’s Bill and Fleur?”

“Fine. I promised I’d stay an extra day.”

Hermione winced. Ron actually looked surprised.

“I didn’t think you’d care...If you like, I can cancel...”

“No,” Hermione lied, “I mean, don’t cancel on my account.”

“Oh,” Ron said, sounding slightly disappointed, “Fine, then. I’ll give them your love.”

Hermione realized it had been ages since they’d given their love to each other.

Title: Miss take
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: R/H

Hermione was soaking in the tub, when the bathroom door suddenly swung open.

“Honey, I’m - ”

The Stunner hit him square in the chest, even as she realized who it was. Cursing aloud, and feeling awfully silly, Hermione scrambled out of the tub, sloshing water everywhere.

“Ennervate! Honestly Ron, you ought to know better than to - ”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“You’re home early!”

“Well, I…”

He swallowed. This was costing him a lot. Was he that uncertain?

“I missed you. And, I wasn’t sure…” He met her eyes cautiously, “But it sounded like you missed me.”

Title: Miss Understandings
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: H/R

Hermione lay in the bathtub, Ron holding her hand idly. He’d put a cushioning charm on the toilet lid, and put his feet up on the hamper.

“I’ve missed you for a while,” he said, “Even when we were together.”

“I know,” Hermione whispered.

“Before - you just sounded so upset that I’d be gone longer. I thought, ‘Maybe she does still love me.’”

“I never stopped, Ron.”

“I knew it was mainly Harry, but some part of me kept worrying, what if you just…”

“I’m pregnant.”

His eyes slowly went from habitual dullness to the warm, sparkling blue she remembered.

Title: Miss Weasley
Words: 100
House: Hufflepuff
Challenge: Miss
Characters: H/R
Author Notes: Just so you know, I am counting Ron’s sputtering enjambment in the last line as two words. ;-) No cheatin!

She’d insisted on a Muggle hospital, and refused any drugs. She welcomed the pain - it was a feeling, the most vivid and intense one she’d probably had, and she welcomed it. Ron would later testify that she’d also embraced her anger, and cursed a blue streak at him, using words he’d never even heard the twins use. Ron’s hand was so bruised and inoperative afterwards, the nurses actually admitted him as a patient, for X-rays. But after seven grueling hours, she was finally here.

“What’s her name, Dad?”

“M-miss Harriet J-Janeweasley,” Ron sputtered, tears of joy spattering them both.

hermione granger, author: bluejeanphoenix, ron hermione, ron, ron weasley/hermione granger, post-war, hermione, rating: pg-13, harry, challenge: miss, harry potter, ron weasley, ron/hermione

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