Organizing // The List // Ask Privately // Aiming Properly

Feb 05, 2005 19:51

Title: Organizing the Memories
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Miss

“Can’t we do this magically?” Ron asked from the kitchen.

Hermione replied, “Too impersonal, you…”

She cut herself off; Ron waited for the rest of the sentence. When it didn’t come, he entered the living room.

Surrounded by boxes and empty albums, Hermione was staring at the photograph in her shaking hand; he knew what it was, and pried it gently from her fingertips, and pulled her towards him.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispered, as he let the worn picture of waving, laughing Harry fall back into the box.

“I want him back…” she whimpered. “I want him back…”

Title: The List
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Miss

Dumbledore stood up shakily. Harry pulled his invisibility cloak closer; Madame Pomfrey had forbidden him from leaving the hospital wing.

He watched as Dumbledore unrolled the parchment he held, and felt the entire Hall draw its breath.

“I will now read a list of those confirmed deceased.

“Mr Kyle Gruber. Miss Laurie Hightower. Miss Hermione Granger. Miss Ginevra Weasley. Mr Matthew O’Reilly…”

The name faded into the roaring in Harry’s ears. Hearing it made it real. He backed against the wall and slid to the floor as tears welled and his heart broke all over again.

He already missed them.

Title: Next Time, Ask Privately
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Miss

“You wanna, you know, go with me on a sorta-kinda date thing or....something...”

James could tell before he finished that Lily was going to say no.

“I’ve got to get to class,” she said curtly, and walked down the hall and turned the corner.

“Shot down,” Sirius said with ill-disguised glee. “Hit and miss. Complete failure.”

“Alright, I get it!” James half-shouted before stomping away.

He felt someone grab his robe and pull him into a dark, unnoticed crevice.

“Why do you keep asking me out in front of your friends?” Lily whispered. Before James could respond, she kissed him.

Title: Aiming Properly
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Miss

Sirius laughed, though he felt like vomiting.

Bella shrieked, jumped away from his last attack and shot another stream of light at him. It blew past him, close enough to burn his cheek.

Something snapped. The surge of hate he felt towards her was almost debilitating.

“Is that all you got?” he screamed, slightly maniacally. Bella was a horrible shot; she’d miss the broadside of a barn.

The next shot struck him like bludger, and he felt himself being lifted off his feet. Somewhere in the distance, Remus yelled.

He braced himself for the landing; this was going to hurt...
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