Long-Lost, Animagi, Slashes

Apr 24, 2003 12:41

Title: Long-Lost
House: Ravenclaw
Word count: 100, and I could've written soooo much more …
Characters: Harry, Ron, and a big fat Mary Sue! ;)
A/N: Based on a rather dismal fic I read once …

Harry stared at the girl, whose tousled hair and green eyes made him feel like he was looking in a mirror. "You're my sister?"

"Yes. I'm your twin." The girl nudged her designer glasses self-consciously. "My name's Celeria Lillian Potter, but call me Kelly."

"So I'm not an only child!" Harry clapped his hands. "No wonder I've never felt true completion and happiness like I do now! I've found my long-lost twin!"

The door creaked and Ron entered. He stared for a moment, then sighed. "Harry … if you don't stop it, I'm going to take the Handmirror of Erised away."

Title: Animagi
House: Ravenclaw
Word count: 100
Characters: McGonagall, Filch, Dumbledore
A/N: All credit for Dumbledore's Animagus form goes to SlytherinPrefect from the HP Lexicon discussion board. I'm just borrowing the idea.

McGonagall stared. "You what?!" she gasped.

"Silence," Dumbledore said calmly. "Let us not argue. This is my decision."

McGonagall's lip trembled. "But, Albus!" she wailed, "he can't become a cheetah Animagus, he's a Squib!"

"Quiet!" Filch hissed. "You may want to be the only cat here …"

"I'm sick of being a cat!" McGonagall shrieked. "Who wants to be a stupid old cat anyway? I must have the stupidest Animagus form …"

She cut off as a poisonous tentacle wrapped around her throat.

Filch giggled. "Really, Albie," he said. "Do you have to transform in the middle of your office like that?"

Title: Slashes
House: Ravenclaw
Word count: 100
Characters: Hermione, Harry. But not Hermione/Harry. Though he's doing his best to put a slash in there …

Her jaw dropped open in disgust. "Ewwwww!" she squealed. "No, Harry, I will not make out with you!"

He watched her with luminous green eyes that were shining with a vaguely dense air. "Y'know, Herm, you look kind of cute like that."

"Shove it, Potter. I am a lesbian. That means whenever fanfic writers let me make out with someone, it's called slash."

"Herm, do you ever read fantasy?"

Surprised at the change of subject, she nodded. "Yes. I like Madeleine L'Engle."

"Well … d'you suppose we could, you know, make out and just call it alternate universe?"

Hermione socked him.

hermione granger, author: celeria, challenge: when pigs fly, minerva mcgonagall, albus dumbledore, harry potter, ron weasley, argus filch

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