Title: Final Chapter
Challenge: Beginning
Word Court: 100
House: Gryffindor
Characters: Harry
The door stood unlocked as he slipped inside and sat down at the desk. Everything was neatly set in the drawers; the robe was still hanging on the hook, the floor had been swept.
Harry was very cool and controlled as he set Dumbledore’s things in order, very still and quiet. There was no rage burning inside him now, no flaming cheeks or explosive shouting-just a deathly, icy, silence.
The flash of green light, the falling body, the limp withered hand outstretched on the floor...
The end of hope, of faith. And now, a new and terrible beginning-alone.
Title: Rebirth
Challenge: Beginning
Word Court: 100
House: Gryffindor
Characters: Fawkes
Notes: Follows the previous drabble.
Laid in fragrant branches of spices and incense, the egg shone pearl-white and translucent as the bright moon, silvery in the moonlight of the empty office.
A wind blew through the open window; the shutter creaked, a few papers fluttered to the floor. The door had been locked for days now.
Then the egg suddenly quivered all over, flickering, glowing, rocking back and forth. The shell split apart, splintering to pieces in showers of white sparks; the portraits on the walls ducked and shielded their eyes.
Amid the dazzling blaze of fire, there was a soft little trill of birdsong.